Canada Soccer & Neovation Score a Game-winning Goal with Blended Learning

Build your training program with our pros!
Are you moving your training program online? We can help you achieve results like these for your organization!
The Client
Canada Soccer is the official governing body for soccer in Canada.

As soccer is played on a field called a pitch, it is important that coaches receive practical, on-field training as part of their education.
The Challenge
Soccer is a team sport. Canada Soccer developed a training program for coaches that aligned with how the game is played – live, in person, and on the soccer pitch.
Essentially, what we did was take an in-person workshop and put it online; it just wasn’t designed for eLearning or an online virtual environment. So there were many things that might resonate or work well in a classroom or on a field, but just don’t work the same way online.
Then came COVID. The onset of the pandemic and the ever-changing landscape of localized restrictions on in-person events forced Canada Soccer to shift its training online quickly. In just three weeks, training initially designed for in-person workshops was deployed via webinars and narrated videos.
The Solution
Design of the Program
[The Neovation team] put the eLearning courses into readable, bite-sized pieces where we didn’t lose the content or the intent of what we had. The result was a consistent look from course to course, from section to section. It was critical that the language was clean and very concise. What the Neovation team came up with was just outstanding.
Solutions for your entire eLearning program!
You can work with one vendor for your learning management system AND custom course creation needs — us!
Change Management
The challenge of changing a nationwide training program involving thousands of coaches was significant.

Canada Soccer's project success relied heavily on close engagement and consultation with provincial and territorial member associations.
You empower others throughout the system to conduct that training locally. This makes it more accessible to the end user because you can get it ideally right in your backyard versus having to go somewhere centrally and learn from one of the Canada Soccer staff. We wouldn’t have enough hours in a day or days in a week to be able to deliver all that ourselves.
Your program can delight all your stakeholders!
Our expertise with large organizations helps you navigate the intricate details of successfully designing, building, and launching your training program!
Measurable Benefits
The new blended learning approach has been a success for everyone.
Build your training program with our pros!
Our expertise with large organizations helps you navigate the intricate details of successfully designing, building, and launching your training program!
Canada Soccer’s team is unburdened by the distractions of creating new users, assigning training, and providing technical support when needed.
We were able to cut training time in half, and in some cases more with the combination of eLearning and field work.
Future Plans
Building on the success of the coaching program, Canada Soccer is expanding its training offerings — developing more courses and learning streams.

The blended learning approach scored the winning goal for Canada Soccer and its members.
It takes a team to train team coaches from coast to coast to coast.
The pandemic tried to be the red card that took training off the field for good.
Instead, a blended learning path scored the game-winning goal for Canada Soccer and its members.