Book your free SmarterU LMS demo & discovery call

We’re here to help you pick the right LMS

Take the first step to book your personalized demo and consultation by filling out the form. We’ll match you to one of our friendly LMS experts with experience in your industry to meet with you and discuss your organization’s LMS needs.

Your LMS demo and discovery call is free and offered with no obligation or pressure — just mutual fact-finding to ensure there is mutual fit and that we can help you. That’s where the conversation starts. 

We process your information according to our privacy policy. By submitting the form, you authorize us to communicate with you.

We will get back to you within 3 business hours.

How our LMS experts help

It's simple! A chat with a learning solutions expert can save you thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours.

Understand your learners' needs

It’s easy to build a wish list of requirements, but that list won't help unless you dig deeper and ask:

  • What are your learners' core needs?
  • What will entice your learners to engage?
  • What do they actually need to get their jobs done effectively?
  • Where do the skill gaps exist within your organization, and how do you plan to close those gaps?
  • How is your employees' organizational knowledge distributed throughout your organization?

Understand your administrators' needs

No matter how big or small your organization, an LMS admin's job can sometimes be a difficult one — it's important to ask:

  • What are your training administrators' core needs?
  • How much time is invested maintaining your LMS users, reports, schedules?
  • What administrative tasks do you wish you could automate?
  • What training do your administrators need and want to be productive with a new LMS?

Identify your support needs

Every LMS talks about support, but what type of support do you want and need?

  • Is it important to you that your support team knows your name and you know theirs?
  • Is it important that they understand your operation and training objectives so you don’t have to repeat yourself?
  • Or does transactional support from a large anonymous support pool satisfy your needs?

Recognize your service needs

The majority of LMS buyers need more than just the base application. They need a whole suite of services, such as course creation, software integration, data conversion, data sync, implementation, and LMS administration.

  • What services will make your LMS the most successful?
  • What can you do in-house versus what assistance might be available from your LMS vendor to increase efficiencies?

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Not sure where you want to start? Jump into one of our recently published articles related to custom learning and see where it takes you!

See what our clients say

I just wanted to take this time to thank you very much for your hard work and expertise designing and setting up our Online Training program. You have both been a pleasure to work with and you exceeded my service expectations.

Kim Hagar

Pizza Delight (Imvescor)